Ululation and joyful smiles were the order of the day at the second graduation ceremony for the computer class of June 2013. The 70 students from Limpopo and Mamelodi converged at the temple in to receive their much awaited testimonials after their studies completed.
The students together with their facilitators thanks the temple for the continued effort and providing solution of skills training to the underprivileged students in the South African communities. To most of the students this is the golden opportunity presented to change their life forever. Equipped with computer knowledge, these younger stars and hungry enough to provide their share of energy and skills in helping and shaping the economy of South Africa.
The keynote address was delivered by Ven. Hui Xing (temple’s Manager), he emphasizes on graduates to go out there and look for further opportunities as they did to get this computer certificates. In so doing they will be able to effectively utilize their skills and gain more experience in work environment. Experience matters most in the working environment and graduates have to even accept volunteering in order to gain much needed experience.
He lastly wish them Buddha’s blessings and welcome them for further training at our newly established Nan Hua Academy.
The keynote address was delivered by Ven. Hui Xing (temple’s Manager), he emphasizes on graduates to go out there and look for further opportunities as they did to get this computer certificates. In so doing they will be able to effectively utilize their skills and gain more experience in work environment. Experience matters most in the working environment and graduates have to even accept volunteering in order to gain much needed experience.
He lastly wish them Buddha’s blessings and welcome them for further training at our newly established Nan Hua Academy.