The computer course given by Nan Hua Academy has extremely helped me to get this job. On the advert, it was clearly stat that they needed someone with computer skills. On the interview, they review my Nan Hua Academy certificate and called Abby to verify the authenticity of it. After a two weeks of grueling waiting I received the call which change my life forever, that I got the job. Working with the government was my dream since was young, without the opportunity of learning computer with Nan Hua Academy it would have been impossible for me to get this job. After completing my high school, as many children who coming from underprivileged background I had no hope of furthering my studies, till the free computer courses were introduced by Nan hua temple, where I enrolled and pass.
Thank you the management of the temple for the opportunity, I am now happily married with one son and I can support myself as well as some of my family members.
Thank you the management of the temple for the opportunity, I am now happily married with one son and I can support myself as well as some of my family members.